A Nerd Dimension

Growing the culture our way with our voices


Here you can read reviews by the Nerd Dimensioners on a wide variety of products, ranging from classic video games to the last comic we just read and had to tell you about. We hope that our reviews will provide consumer insight while also serving as entertaining content. We know how the majority of people online loath reading lengthy prose so we try to meet people halfway and keep it under 100 pages but longer than a Tweet.

Nerd Dimension strives to be the voice that is seldom heard in today’s blog culture especially in Nerd Culture where we feel some write in terms and phrases that the average reader may not comprehend nor want to. Also, there seems to be a herd mentality at times with bloggers often praising games that just fell short of the mark but hey… why knock someone making a living off pedaling stuff they were paid to plug. In the vast expanse that is cyberspace we want to brand ourselves as honest writers who give you more than just the facts and hope that our unique perspectives add to the conversation and maybe make our culture a little easier to enter and enjoy.

We want to also serve as a platform for all creative folks seeking to get their content reviewed and posted somewhere. We understand how hard it is to get a buzz going with so much going on online making a virtual splash is becoming virtually impossible. In this day and age we feel the artists should be encouraged and supported and the least we can do is allow for you to submit your material for our consideration. We want to be able to say we read it before it made millions, I mean who doesn’t if they are a writer! Please review our guidelines prior to submission so that you avoid getting shunned and exiled by the Dark Lords for the heinous act of spamming.






4.1 Spawn

4.2 Saga Volume 1

4.3 Dungeons & Dragons: Shadowplague

4.4 Dungeons & Dragons: Legends of Baldur’s Gate



Games (Tabletop):

1.1. Dungeons & Dragons : Legends of Drizzt 

1.2. Citadels & Dark City Expansion

1.3 Mazes & Minotaurs 

1.4 Marvel : Legendary Board Game Review

1.5 : Summoner Wars Master Set

1.6 : 7 Wonders


Games (PC, Mobile & Console):

1.1.1 Aliens: Colonial Marines (XBOX 360)



2.1. Goosebumps 2015

2.2 The Joker Movie Review by Talon

2.2 Gotham by Gaslight (2 in 1) by Talon

2.3 JODOROWSKY’S DUNE Review by Talon …The Game-Changer That Never Was


TV Shows:

3.1 Farscape 

3.2 Grimm (Review & Recommendation)

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